Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Dear Reader...

Puzzling Over Beauty
Perspective: How does your view differ from that of others? Image Source: Trey Ratcliff via Flickr CC license

Your “Dear Reader” statement will be one of the last activities you will complete, though it will appear on your main or first page on your Google blog.

This letter is a guideline for your audience. It will provide them with some idea as to how to understand your blog and why you made the choices you made.

This letter will also discuss your learning this semester and the challenges you faced when reading the texts and your own understanding of the American Experience based on the different perspectives you have been presented with.

Your letter should be multiple paragraphs—a minimum of four. I suggest you write a paragraph to address each of the following questions.
  • What idea or message did each of the authors get across to you about the American Experience? How do your choice of multi-genre artifacts show this?
  • What did you learn from reading the books we read this semester? How does your blog show this?
  • How do the different books relate to one another? Their messages? Certain characters? The way they were written? How do your choices for your blog show this?
  • What do you think the most important thing to understand about the American Experience is based on your reading this semester? How do you try to show this with the choices you made for your multi-genre blog?

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